Riley McDonald


Kaitlyn Kuntz


View Kaitlyn's Portfolio

Coming Soon

We are Firm 5.

Thoughtful, innovative & responsible architecture.

Firm 5 architects are a unique group of industry professionals in Montana. We value collaboration and innovation to elevate affordable design. 

We differ from other firms as we promote people and their freedom by allowing them to embrace their talents and flex their creativity. 

We are a collaborative team that will help you achieve your dream.

Architecture is about creating spaces that work for people and their lifestyles, but also understanding the living environment in which we live.

Our Designers.

Our Designers believe that spaces should be thoughtfully designed, responsible, conscious, and affordable.

Because no single approach or designer is right for everyone, Firm 5 offers you a choice of designers with their own passions and unique capabilities.

Check out our growing designer options for your project needs.


Get in touch today for a complimentary consultation